“Do not judge the problem, rather ask yourself what its solution would be. Suppose you were in jail. The solution would be out of jail, pardoned, and sleeping in your own home.

“So while still confronted with the problem in lying on your cot in jail, you would close your eyes to the cell and feel you are now home as a free man, and then fall asleep, allowing the maker of all things to create that which will be seen of that which does not appear.”

  Neville Goddard

Let’s dive in…

Let yourself get lost…

Notice what moves you…

Notes or Transcript:


All righty. So we’re going to dive into a lesson in choke points and we’re going to subtitle this “Money in the Background”. 

Here is today’s Neville Goddard quote. This is fun. 

First Time we’ve done this.

“Do not judge the problem, rather ask yourself what its solution would be. Suppose you were in jail. The solution would be out of jail, pardoned, and sleeping in your own home.

“So while still confronted with the problem in lying on your cot in jail, you would close your eyes to the cell and feel you are now home as a free man, and then fall asleep, allowing the maker of all things to create that which will be seen of that which does not appear.”

All right. Here’s the key, guys. I want you to notice something, and I want you to notice how your brain has been trained to think, how you’ve trained it to think. This is not bad, it’s just not useful. 


If if I said to you, “What’s the solution?” Generally speaking, if you’re out and it’s like, “What’s the solution,?” most people are going to go into how do you solve this? It’s two very different questions. What’s the solution? The solution is to be home, free.

How do you solve this? 

(That is NOT the question to ask, or THE PATH to take…)

  • Well, what attorney do I need?
  • What motions do I need to file?
  • How much money do I need to have the attorney?
  • Who do I know that might know the attorney?
  • What judge do I have?
  • How do I switch the venue?

See, all those how’s will drive you absolutely nuts. That’s all future tense verbs.

On the other hand, feel you are now home as a free man.

That’s a present tense, active verb, experience. By the way, that’s from Manifesting Money Lesson 11 on the free Neville site. It’s also lesson. 36 on the prosperity pack.

But I want to dive DEEPER into this..

…in a way that brings this to your dream driven day in the, in the lesson 11 on freeneville.com, I talk about Victoria and I imagining up our ideal day, which is it? Right? You’ll notice something, money is in the background. It’s really not even mentioned.

Here’s the thing, when money becomes the choke point, money’s what you get an orbit around. Remember Victoria brought up the whole thing with the raft.

See, my little experience model is it’s a raft on a still, stagnant pond and you’ll wait for decades for it to turn into a swamp so you can trudge through the muck and get out.


Victoria brought up the whole thing of your raft that you’re sitting on and this pond is actually sort of being sucked into a vortex kind of thing. It’s just sort of being sucked into a little spin. That’s what happens whenever you have a choke point.


Whenever there’s a choke point, there’s an … you know, that kind of sucking sound, feeling, spin out of control. Compared to money in the background. You get it? As long as you’re blaming money is the cause, money’s why I stay at the job, money’s why I can’t do what I want to do, you’re denying the truth about you.


Part two. Okay. This is cool. Part two, swim slowly. Now, I want you to just think about this, someone who’s at home, really home and the waters, can swim slowly. Now, back in the burgh, when I lived around Pittsburgh,

I watched somebody take on water and they literally, they kept reaching, calling, trying to move faster and faster. They’re in the water and they’re taking on water, right? And I want you to notice something.

This was not someone drowning.

If you thought that, you added that into the story. I left enough space for you to possibly do that. Just notice if you did. Because in your daily life, there’s always enough space for you to add in story. This sort of goes back to MM lesson one, this also goes into why we were exploring storytelling in this part of the program.

You see, this was a young boy.

He was about 11 years old learning how to swim and he was in no danger, but he took on a little water. We’ve all been there if you’ve been in a pool or in a stream, right? So the instructor taught them to do two things.

  • First, to roll over and float.
  • Second, to learn how to slowly move in the water, to feel the support of the water.

The water is not the enemy. So here’s the thing, stop and be still, roll over and float. Second, learn how to slowly move to feel the support of the water. And the third thing was to smile.

SWIM SLOWLY in life….

You see when you learn to swim slowly, you get money is nothing more than a representation of value. You’re what creates wealth. And as a wealth creator, you have access to money, but the key is don’t make it about the money.

  • Let it be about you.
  • Learn how to swim slowly.

By the way, you’ll notice in that lesson on manifesting mastery, I talk about time we spend in the garden having a little lovely dinner kind of thing.

Last night, we had broccoli soup that Victoria made. It was yummy. Played a little backgammon. You see, the whole thing here is the stories that you tell weave together and they form a tapestry.

The Tapestry of your life…

I share appearing diverse stories when I teach and in the live calls, but I share them because they form a tapestry. You may or may not notice the tapestry, like I shared in one of the earlier lessons about rubbing two sticks together and fire, right?

And how the, and I talked about a little boy scribbling on the chalkboard, and I also talked about taking my Neural Linguistic Programming stuff, you know the old school in NLP, and also this Neville Goddard stuff, and those two sticks rubbing together and giving birth to this project.

See, your stories are ALWAYS weaving together.

I want you to notice them. I want you to play with evoking with words, because that’s a state. It ain’t the words that are doing anything. When you learn how to evoke, well, in order to evoke with words, you have to be in the state that evokes. This is pretty cool stuff. Slowly.

“Drowning in debt…”

Anyway, swim slowly. Notice if there’s any franticness in your life. I love phraseology. Drowning in debt. That’s one that I got the other day, I’m drowning in debt. Ooh, tell me about that. Right?

See, because that’s a visceral language thing. I mean, they could tell me how much money they owe, how much the payments are, how much they make, about the fact that uncle Jimmy Buck screwed them over or whatever, don’t really care. But drowning in debt, there’s a feeling.

What’s the solution?

  • Roll over.
  • Stop and be still.
  • Float.
  • Start moving slowly.
  • Imagine lovingly, feel the support of the waters.

Remember the water is the psychological principle, Neville says. You want to turn water into wine and how do you do that? By actively using imagination.

All righty. Tomorrow, we’re going to talk about the story that blocks. Oh my god, this is good and I would really want you to nail this. Go play in the Facebook group. See ya.

Power Points:

Remember to go to
The Dream Driven Day
Facebook Group and Play!